Emergency / First consultations for children between 0 to 16 years

If your child is suffering from pain, please do not hesitate to contact us from Monday to Friday from 08:00am until 11.30am and from 01:00pm to 04:00pm.

Phone number: 031 684 06 60
E-Mail: kinder.kons.zmk@unibe.ch

You will receive an appointment as soon as possible.

If you have recent x-rays, you are welcome to bring them with you.

Please understand that due to time, we cannot offer our full range of services or carry out a complete diagnostic assessment during the emergency services.

During the emergency consultation, we carry out the following measures:

  • Pain treatment
  • Temporary filling treatments
  • Brief consultation and recommendation for further treatments
  • Informative consultation for a treatment under conscious sedation with nitrous oxide gas or with medication
  • Informative consultation for dental treatment under general anesthesia

For an extensive examination and treatment or first consultation, you may receive additional appointments, depending on your wishes.