Stiftungsprofessur für Präventivzahnmedizin und orale Epidemiologie

Prof. Dr. Guglielmo Campus

The main objectives of Oral Epidemiology and Preventive Dentistry are the monitoring of oral diseases at the national or international level, as well as the implementation of national and regional promotion of plans for caries prevention and health education. The following projects are the focus of these efforts:

  • Programs to promote oral health prevention in various countries (e.g., Burkina Faso, Georgia, Italy, Latvia, Mexico, Palestine, Romania, Serbia, Uganda, Zambia).
  • Contributing expertise to national and international committees to enhance caries prevention.
  • Planning, coordinating, and evaluating oral health prevention programs, especially for children and the elderly.
  • Planning, conducting, and evaluating the effectiveness of prevention programs or the use of various functional foods (e.g., xylitol, magnolia bark extract, stevia, probiotics) to prevent or reduce the increase of caries in children and adults.
  • Investigating the effects of behavior-specific habits on oral health (such as smoking, vaping, diet).